Michael Taylor is a lover of lyrics. A child of the 50’s, he grew up with the Beatles and the Beach Boys as his first exposure to the world of popular music, and, at first, dismissed anything that didn’t meet their high standards. But that short-sightedness soon changed, and instead of just playing records, he analysed them in minute detail, scribbling down the words and trying to identify what the instruments were (which was not too difficult in the 60’s). With no intention nor an ability to become a musician or singer himself, his focus was increasingly sharpened by lyrics, and as a student in the 70’s was inspired by the emergence of the singer-songwriter revolution which gave him a burning desire to write about what lead some these artists to put into words their most heartfelt sentiments of life, love, and the world in which they live.
Michael is a retired buyer and lives in England with his wife Angela. His other passions are American history and writing poetry.